- 感謝主!在一段時間的“征召”後,終於有人響應呼召,願意“為主當兵”,讓我們一同向主獻上感謝!也請大家為這位響應呼召的肢體禱告,求主堅固她的信心,并賜給她充足的智慧、能力。
- 我們已從上週在晨禱外增加了兩個禱告時段,每天的1-2PM 和 7-8PM,弟兄姐妹們若有任何代禱需要,均可打電話到:408-774-0700,將有代禱勇士與您一同禱告。我們也邀請有代禱負擔的肢體在培訓後參與到這項服事當中!
- 從七月的第一個週三開始,我們將開展推動為“下一代”禱告的事工。請大家為著這個事工禱告,求主賜給我們智慧以及能力,能更好的計劃和推動這項事工。
- 我們將在7/4舉辦一次戶外活動,地點在Vasona Park(Los Gatos) 10AM-3PM,有興趣的弟兄姐妹可以向美智詢問詳情和報名。
- 中文部新的主日學課程主題將是“代禱”,在學習新課程內容的同時,我們會一起回顧之前主日學中關於“禱告”的內容。
- 下週三(6/25)福音站的課程將改為在教會舉行,開始時間是9:30,將有人為我們分享“中國文字事工”。歡迎弟兄姐妹們前來參加。
- 7/2 福音站的課程改為在教會舉行,時間9:30AM,李恕愛姐妹將與我們分享主題:人生春夏秋冬;另外,她也將在7/6主日後2-3:30PM分享“聖地游——十架道路”。歡迎弟兄姐妹們參加!
- We are so thankful to the Lord for having someone responds to the call to "March for Jesus" after a period of time of our "recruitment. Praise Him! Please pray for this candidate. May our Lord strength her faith, give her ample wisdom and strength to carry out this calling.
- In addition to our morning prayer, we have added the following daily prayer sessions: 1-2PM and 7-8PM. Please call this number if you need to pray with our “prayer warrior” 408-774-0700. If you have the burden to become a “prayer warrior”, you are welcome to participate our training before you join this ministry.
- Starting from the first Wednesday in July, we will push forward “pray for the next generation" ministry. Please offer your prayer. May the Lord bless us with wisdom & strength and have a good planning.
- Church field trip, Place: Vasona Park, Date: July 4, 2014 (Fri), Time: 10am-3pm, Contact person: Mejech.
- Our new Adult Sunday School curriculum theme for Chinese Ministry will be "Intercessory ", at the same time, we will review the contents of "Prayer" from our previous Sunday School.
- A seminar for China outreach via literature, Place: church, Date: June 25, 2014 (Wed), Time: 9:30 am-noon.
- Life seminar (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) by Dorothy Lee, Place: church, Date: July 2, 2014 (Wed), Time: 9:30am-noon. Holy Land Tour slide show by Dorothy Lee, Place: church, Date: July 6, 2014 (Sun), Time: 2:00-3:30 pm.