- 讓我們聚焦我們的眼目在讀經上。不論您是否已經從2014年的第一天開始按照進度讀經和靈修,我們都鼓勵您從明天(9/1)開始,到2015年的8月31日讀完整本聖經。如果您願意每週花7-10個小時來讀經,我們將幫助您成功。請有感動參與的弟兄姐妹馬上與安琪聯絡。
- 教會將在10月的第一個周六(10/4)舉辦一次Garage Sale暨籌款活動。所得的款項將會用於教會外墻的修理和其他整修。 如果你有感動,且家中有閑置的衣物、用品,歡迎捐獻給教會作爲Garage Sale。也希望給大家能爲所需的費用禱告,求主供應。
- 請大家在禱告中紀念教會在經濟上的需要。祂將成就我們同心合意所求的!
- 我們特別在此溫馨提醒,中文部的主日信息和主日學之間的時間英文部正在聚會,希望大家注意控制出入時的音量,讓英文部有一個安靜的環境可以聆聽主的信息。
- Read through the Bible in one year. (September 1, 2014--- August 31, 2015) Whether or not you have been reading the Bible daily since first day of year 2014, we encourage you to commit to do so right away. Starting from tomorrow, we will reinforce the Bible reading project. If you are willing to spend time, at least 7- 10 hours every week, we will commit ourselves to help you succeed. Whoever would like to commit himself or herself to read through the entire Bible once, please contact Angel ASAP.
- While we are praying for church's financial need in general, we do need to REBUILD the wall of the church for the sake of His Name. To have our faith in action, we are doing garage sale and silent auction on October 4, 2014. Ask angel for the details.
- Don't forget to pray for God to provide our financial needs. He will, if we pray in one accord. Amen.