- 永遠不要放棄禱告:讚美主!大家開始為師母禱告後,我們看到了神的工作。感謝神醫治師母,她正在從慢性疲勞中恢復。我們切切的邀請您——我們的弟兄姐妹,繼續祈禱祝福她。願她重新得力,如鷹展翅。牧師想見證聖經上的應許:“我們若照他的旨意求甚麼,他就聽我們,這是我們向他所存坦然無懼的心。既然知道他聽我們一切所求的,就知道我們所求於他的,無不得著。”(約翰一書5:14-15)
- 在等候一段日子之後,我們相信現在是神所定的時間在教會分出幾個“關懷小組”,讓我們可以更好地組織和推展教會的關懷。如果您有負擔參與關懷和代禱事工,請向安琪詢問詳情 。
- 感謝主!年青人希望有英文主日崇拜,Ronald願意負責協調這事工。我們將一同在神的愛中建造,神的榮耀也將在我們當中彰顯。
- 在為教會的財務狀況禱告的同時,我們需要修補、重建教會已經嚴重破損的外墻。我們將會在10月4日舉辦一次Garage Sale暨籌款活動。詳情請詢問安琪。
- 我們也再次提醒大家不要忘記我們的幾個禱告時段,我們非常歡迎大家來一同禱告。另外,也再次提醒大家週三、四的早晨和週三的晚間我們都有聖經課程。同樣歡迎您的參加!
- Never give up praying: Praise the Lord, with all the prayers for Pastor’s wife in just a few days, we see the healing hands of God. Indeed it is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Susan is gradually recovering from chronic fatigue. We urge you as a church family member keep blessing her with your prayers. May she soars like eagle and enjoy serving our mighty God with Pastor soon. Pastor would testify to you the promises written in Bible: "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him."(1 John 5:14-15)
- After waiting upon The Lord for some time, it is now the time for our church to arrange several groups to assist the caring ministry for better caring and praying for each other. Ask Angel for details if you like to be involved..
- Praise the Lord! Ronald is willing to be the coordinator for our Sunday English Service while our young adults want to keep this Ministry. May the glory of God will always be manifested in our midst. We are praying for the provision of church general financial need. For the sake of His Name we have to REBUILD the worn out front wall of the church. On Oct 4, we will have garage sale and silent auction for fund raising. Please contact Angel for detail. Your prayer and support are very important. The Lord will remember your faithfulness.
- This is to remind everyone that we dedicate quite a few “prayer hours” for you to enjoy praying with us. We also have Bible classes on Wed &Thur Morning as well as Wed nights. You are encouraged to come to study God’s word.