- 李恕信博士能來到我們當中,我們真是喜樂。她的見證和信息給了我們許多的鼓勵。願神報答她為神國一切的擺上和付出。
- 我們的禱告園地已經預備好了!它在等待著大家。來禱告吧!讓我們一同來見證和慶賀禱告所成就的一切。
- 神掌管一切的時機!讚美主讓我們可以使用教會隔壁的房子。我們已經漸漸的看到神是如何讓萬事互相效力,讓我們的信心增長。我們已經安裝了一個新的智能電視,為此我們向信實的神獻上感謝。讓我們透過這個新的電視來學習,成長,並享受在基督里的豐盛生命。願神紀念一切甘心樂意的奉獻。
- 我們鼓勵大家使用聖經參考書:《靈修版聖經》。(http://bible.congfang.com/)
- 我們鼓勵大家每天靈修,並寫下你的靈修筆記,這樣你就可以在成人主日學與弟兄姐妹們分享。
- We are so glad Dr. Esther Lee Bearden came into our church life. We all have been encouraged by the messages and life testimonies. May the Lord reward Dr. Esther for whatever she has been doing for Expanding the Kingdom of God.
- Our prayer garden said, "I was all set to find this as my favorite place..." Come now and pray! Finally, our prayer garden is all set for you to come pray, and celebrate with us your praise report.
- God’s has a timing for everything. Praise the Lord for opening the door so that we can use the house next door to our church. Gradually we have seen how the Lord is putting everything together for us to learn and to grow in faith. A new smart TV set has been installed. We would like to give a thankful offering to God for His faithfulness. May we learn, grow, and enjoy abundant life in Christ through this new smart TV. May the Lord reward those who give love offering cheerfully.
- We encourage everyone to use the Bible reference book: Life Application Bible.
- We encourage everyone to diligently do daily devotions. Write down your notes and be sure to bring your notes to church on Sunday to share with everyone in Adult Sunday School.