- 英文部事工:為了回應主的呼召,我們將在主日11:45在教會大堂開始英文事工,求主通過這一事工來祝福“下一代”。
- 禱告事工:我們看到神已經在禱告園地所做的一切美事,讓我們懷著喜樂的心來投入到禱告事工當中。我們歡迎大家提出建議和意見。我們也歡迎大家積極參與到禱告事工中來!
- 我們鼓勵大家使用聖經參考書:《靈修版聖經》。(http://bible.congfang.com/)
- 我們鼓勵大家每天靈修,並寫下你的靈修筆記,這樣你就可以在成人主日學與弟兄姐妹們分享。
- 深入社區:我們希望通過補習來為所在的社區有所貢獻,如果您知道任何需要幫助的家庭,請與安琪聯絡。
- 我們鼓勵您用午餐團契的時間主動去認識更多的人,結交新朋友。
- 禱告會時間:週四9:30-10:30AM,週五7:30-9:00PM; 週日9:30-10:15AM。
- English Ministry: Answering the call, we are starting our English ministry to bless generations. We will meet at 11:45 AM in the church chapel.
- Prayer Ministry: As we have seen God's hands in the Prayer Garden, we are diligently devoting ourselves into prayer ministry. Any input for the ministry is welcome. And by all means, we welcome everyone's participation.
- Bible reference book: We encourage everyone to use the Bible reference book: Life Application Bible.
- Adult Sunday School: We encourage everyone to diligently do daily devotions. Write down your notes and be sure to bring your notes to church on Sunday to share with everyone in Adult Sunday School.
- Reaching out community: we would like to make a contribution to our local community through tutoring. Please contact Angel if you know anyone who needs help with tutoring.
- Make friends and show our care: We encourage everyone to use lunchtime to take initiative to make acquaintances with more people and make new friends.
- Prayer meetings: Thursday Morning 9:30am-10:30am; Friday night 7:30-9pm; Sunday Morning 9:30-10:15am.