- 讚美主!我們的執行團隊近日已建立。團隊近期的目標就是建立天國文化(Kingdom culture)。
- 感謝主!Cindy 願意負責關懷探訪小組的事工,歡迎弟兄姊妹們支持與參與。
- 好消息預告:鋼琴班成果發表會將於11/19,1:00 pm ~ 2:00 pm在教會舉行,請大家預留時間,並邀請朋友參加。
- 讚美感謝主! 我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。
- Praise the Lord! Our church executive team was established recently. Our first goal is to build a Kingdom Culture. Team members are: Pastor, Shawn and ShuHui.
- Praise the Lord Cindy is willing to coordinator the caring and visiting ministry. Please participate and be supportive.
- The piano class students of our church will hold a piano recital at church on Sunday, November 19th. 1-2 PM. Please attend and invite your family and friends.
- Praise the Lord. English Sunday worship was started. Welcome all young people (sixth grade and above) to attend.