- 教會2018年的主题是:謙卑,受教,慶豐收。
- 我們將在1/5(週五)的團契中開放討論會,歡迎對教會有負擔的弟兄姊妹能參加,有晚餐供應。時間是6點。7點半後還是有小組聚會。聚會地點:教會。
- 3. 明年2月初,有一神學機構舉辦一場特會,主題為【從苦難到喜樂的全人關懷】。有興趣報名的弟兄姊妹請在12/31以前聯絡Jenny 。
- The theme of year 2018: Be humble and teachable, so we celebrate Jesus anytime.
- There will be an open forum on Jan. 5th 2017 (Friday's) gathering, -- we hope all brothers and sisters are able to join the discussion. Dinner will be served at 6pm and fellowship will start after 7:30pm. Location: our Church.
- In early February next year, a theological institution will hold a special seminar in Chinese on“Whole-person Care from Misery to Joy”. Please contact Jenny for details if you are interested (weipingjang@gmail.com)