- 教會2018年的主题是:謙卑,受教,慶豐收。
- 親愛的弟兄姐妹,教會在亞馬遜網站上設置了捐款賬號,可以將您在亞馬遜上購物款項的0.5%轉捐給教會(沒有任何額外費用)。只需要您在smile.amazon.com,並將charity設置為“Fountain of Joy Prayer Church”即可。詳情請詢問安琪。
- 12/24和12/31適逢聖誕及新年佳節,這兩週將是聯合聚會。歡迎大家邀請親友與我們一同喜樂!
- 明年2月初,有一神學機構舉辦一場特會,主題為【從苦難到喜樂的全人關懷】。有興趣參加的弟兄姊妹請向Jenny詢問詳情。
- The theme of year 2018: Be humble and teachable, so we celebrate Jesus anytime.
- Dear brothers and sisters, when you shop on line using Amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Fountain of Joy Prayer Church ( do your usual shopping without paying extra charge). In order to make it happen, you need to log on smile.amazon.com, instead of amazon.com, select “Fountain of Joy Prayer Church” as your charity. For detail, please contact Angel.
- We will have join services again 12/24 and 12/31 for the week of Christmas and New Year.
- In early February next year, a theological institution will hold a special seminar in Chinese on“Whole-person Care from Misery to Joy”. Please contact Jenny for details if you are interested.