- 感謝主!我們的15周讀經計畫已經開始一周了,相信許多人已經從聖經中得到了豐富的餵養。我們現在每天都會錄製一段10-15分鐘的錄音,幫助大家瞭解每天經文的大綱。求主幫助我們,能從祂的話語中得力量。
- 願神祝福我們,讓我們能同心禱告,神必會充充足足的供應我們一切所需!
- 感謝主!我們將在下周日的早晨9:30,將我們的“禱告屋”奉獻給神,歡迎每一個弟兄姐妹來一同見證這個歷史性的時刻!
- 我們再次真誠的邀請您來教會參與晨禱。我們將開放禱告屋作為個人禱告、讚美的場地,有代禱負擔的弟兄姐妹可以在大堂聚集為親友、教會、國度代禱。讓我們一同經歷神豐富的同在和信實的應許!
- Praise the Lord! Our Bible in 15 weeks reading program has begun for a week. Every day we put a 10-15 minute voice message in regard to our daily reading in our church web site. Hope you find it helpful.
- May the Lord bless us and provide our needs abundantly. Let’s remember to pray and pray in one accord.
- Please come to church at 9:30AM next Sunday to witness the historic moment. We are going to dedicate the House of Prayer to God next Sunday. Praise the Lord.
- Once again, we sincerely invite you to participate in our morning prayers at church. The prayer house will be opened for you to prayer privately. Or you may join us at the sanctuary for praise, intercession prayer. Let us experience our God is indeed faithfulness!