- 請大家為台灣現在的情勢禱告。請為在上執政掌權者求智慧,惠及整個國家。(提摩太前書2章)
- 復活節就要到了,我們邀請大家多花些時間與我們的主“交談”。禱告是經歷復活的主的最佳途徑。
- 英文部將從本週開始在主日聚會之後在提摩太廳的查經,本週的查經將由Fatima帶領。
- 特別代禱事項:因著近期教會額外的維修及一般開銷的需要,我們真誠的請您禱告,求主信實的在4月15日之前供應我們$6,400的需要!
- 我們已恢復從早上七點到晚上七點的“連鎖禱告”,我們歡迎任何有感動的弟兄姐妹參加。想參加的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡Angel。英文部的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡甦銘。
- 感謝主!祂親自興起弟兄姐妹參與服事。教會的關懷事工將由 Deborah姐妹來負責,讓我們一同為她禱告,求神幫助她。
- Please pray for peace in Taiwan. Pray for the divine wisdom of their authorities that will benefit the of entire county (1Timothy 2).
- Easter is coming, try to spend more time pray “talk” to our Lord. The best way to experience the risen Lord is by spending time talk to Him (Luke 24).
- We are starting English Bible study today for English Ministry. Fatima is going to take the lead this Sunday.
- Special prayer request: Due to the financial need of repair work done recently and general expense, we sincerely ask you to pray. Praise The Lord, let us pray in one accord, so The Lord will faithfully provide us what we need.
- We resumed our 7AM -7PM prayer chain. Please contact Angel if you would like to participate. For young adults, please contact Suming.
- Please support and pray for Deborah as she is in charge of our church caring ministry. Let us keep practicing serve each other with the love of God