
4-13-2014 Announcement & Prayer Requests

  1. 我們再次真誠的邀請您來教會參與晨禱。我們將開放禱告屋作為個人禱告、讚美的場地,有代禱負擔的弟兄姐妹可以在大堂聚集為親友、教會、國度代禱。讓我們一同經歷神豐富的同在和信實的應許!
  2. 因4月18日(週五)的道路維護,街道在早7點到晚5點將封閉,故晨禱暫停一次。請互相轉告。
  3. 復活節就要到了,我們邀請大家多花些時間與我們的主“交談”。禱告是經歷復活的主的最佳途徑。
  4. 我們已恢復從早上七點到晚上七點的“連鎖禱告”,我們歡迎任何有感動的弟兄姐妹參加。想參加的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡Angel。英文部的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡甦銘。

  1. Once again, we sincerely invite you to participate in our morning prayers at church. The prayer house will be opened for you to prayer privately. Or you may join us at the sanctuary for praise, intercession prayer. Let us experience our God is indeed faithfulness!
  2. For Friday April 8 morning prayer, City of Sunnyvale will close Warner Ave for repair and maintenance from7AM-5PM. The morning prayer will cancel for one day.
  3. Easter is coming, please try to spend more time pray “talk” to our Lord. The best way to experience the risen Lord is by spending time talking to Him (Luke 24).
  4. We resumed our 7AM-7PM prayer chain. Please contact Angel if you would like to participate. For young adults, please contact Suming.



1.  加選教會理事:我們將在 4/1加選三位教會理事。讓我們同心合意的禱告,求主在此過程中掌權。 2.  默禱:默禱是豐富我們禱告生活的最佳形式之一,我們將在教會的禱告園地開始操練默禱,有感動參加的弟兄姐妹請與安琪聯絡。 3.  禱告事工「修復 52」 ,用 52天...