- 讓我們用一種特別的方式來慶祝主的復活。我們將開始一個特別的讀經計劃:從創世記到啟示錄,我們可以用15周讀完整本聖經!我們將在明天開始這個計劃。想要加入的弟兄姐妹可以向甦凱或安琪登記。行動起來吧!
- 讚美主!我們每個主日除了能領受神給我們的靈糧,還能享受豐盛的食物和彼此間美好的交通。在此邀請大家,為我們的午餐獻上感謝和祝福,求神紀念大家為午餐愛心的奉獻。
- 我們再次真誠的邀請您來教會參與晨禱。我們將開放禱告屋作為個人禱告、讚美的場地,有代禱負擔的弟兄姐妹可以在大堂聚集為親友、教會、國度代禱。讓我們一同經歷神豐富的同在和信實的應許!
- 我們已恢復從早上七點到晚上七點的“連鎖禱告”,我們歡迎任何有感動的弟兄姐妹參加。想參加的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡Angel。英文部的弟兄姐妹可以聯絡甦銘。
- Come On, let us Celebrate Easter by reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation! In 15 weeks, you can read through the entire Bible. For those who would like to start the first run, make sure you know the first day of the reading plan is tomorrow. Sign up with Angel or Sukai.
- Praise the Lord, with spirit of gladness, we enjoy fellowship with each other while having meal together on Sunday. If The Lord is willing, we could bless the expense of meals on Sundays. Come participate and so more people would enjoy the meal because of love offering from you.
- Once again, we sincerely invite you to participate in our morning prayers at church. The prayer house will be opened for you to prayer privately. Or you may join us at the sanctuary for praise, intercession prayer. Let us experience our God is indeed faithfulness!
- We resumed our 7AM-7PM prayer chain. Please contact Angel if you would like to participate. For young adults, please contact Suming.