- 今天是中秋節的中英文聯合聚會, 我們一起歌唱讚美主, 還有Aurick彈奏“耶穌愛我”,同時, 分享弟兄姊妹們的奇妙見證。
- 歡迎您加入晨禱行列!時間:7-8AM 週一到週五;地點:教會。詳情請問Angel或Anne。
- 讚美感謝主! 我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。
- 牧師強力推薦一本好書:"男人的力量",書本現已抵教會, 有意閱讀者, 請洽淑慧。歡迎自由奉獻!
- Today is a special “Chinese Moon Festival” English-Chinese Joint service starts at 10 am. 1) Aurick will participate to play piano "Jesus loves me", let us pray for him and we will sing along while he is playing. 2) We have several testimonies today. We encourage you to share with us your own testimony in our future services. Please notify Elaine to arrange date and time.
- Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel or Anne.
- Praise the Lord, English Sunday Service has begun. Let’s pray for this Ministry.
- Pastor highly recommend a book: "The Power of Men", we have the Chinese version at church. Please contact Shu Hui if you are interested to have one. Welcome your donation to help spend.