- 感謝主!哲虹願意承接關懷探訪小組的負責人,並且Kevin也願意配搭英文組的服事。我們希望藉著Kevin這塊金磚能引出更多璞玉,一同向主耶穌學習,把愛的福音傳出去!
- 洪長老鼓勵弟兄姊妹們上網觀看一部數次得獎的短片“愛一直都在”,這是洪長老鼓勵台北藝人之家拍攝的第一部微電影,內容描述的就是我們與家人,故事雖然簡單,但十分貼切。該影片的網址是:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86MAqMXtro
- 歡迎您加入晨禱行列!時間:7-8AM週一到週五;地點:教會。詳情請問Angel。
- 讚美感謝主!我們有英文主日崇拜。歡迎六年級以上的青少年參加。
- Praise the Lord, Cindy will take the responsibility to coordinate the caring and visiting ministry. Kevin Lee will work with Cindy and assist the English group. Pray that all they have done will inspire more brothers and sisters to get involved to advance the Gospel.
- Elder Hung encouraged us to spend 7 minutes to watch this mircro-film “Love always there”. The story is so close to our daily life of the the life of a lot of people we knowIt is a Chinese speaking moivie with English captioning. https://www.youtube.com/watch? V = l86MAqMXtro
- Weekday morning prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:00am at church. Prayer Partners Wanted! For the details, please ask Angel.
- Praise the Lord, English Sunday Service has begun. Let’s pray for this Ministry.