1. 新的一年新的希望,同心合一邁向2018年教會的主題目標:謙卑,受教,慶豐收!
2. 神的供應:我們向神獻上感恩祭,因為神信實地為我們提供了足夠的資金,用於支付一段時間以來教會的缺乏。讓我們繼續為教會的需要禱告,相信主會在我們需要的時候供應我們。
3. 我們將在1/5(週五)的團契中開放討論會,歡迎對教會有負擔的弟兄姊妹能參加。6:00-7:30PM 有晚餐供應,7:30PM後仍有小組聚會。聚會地點:教會。
4. 明年2月初的特會教導,主題為【從苦難到喜樂的全人關懷】。今天是最後一天"早鳥報名", 有興趣報名的弟兄姊妹請盡快聯絡Jenny。
1. New Year comes with new hope -- together we march forward to 2018's subject: Humble, trainable, celebrate Jesus.
2. God’s Provision: We give thanksgiving offering to God, because the Lord just faithfully provided us enough fund to cover some specific needs for a period of time. May we continue praying for church’s needs, trusting the Lord to provide us in the time of our needs.
3. There will be an open forum on Jan. 5th 2017 (Friday's) gathering, we hope all brothers and sisters are able to join the discussion. Dinner will be served at 6pm and fellowship will start after 7:30pm. Location: our Church.
4. In early February next year, a theological institution will hold a special seminar in Chinese on“Whole-person Care from Misery to Joy”. Today's the last day for early bird registration, all interested brothers and sisters please reach out to Jenny asap.